Special Education Needs
We seek to be fully inclusive, striving to enable all pupils to achieve the best they can at school.
All pupils have access to a relevant and challenging curriculum, where teaching and learning approaches are adapted to the differing needs of pupils within each lesson.
Sometimes, some pupils need additional learning support. This may be provided in a variety of ways, including additional one-to-one or small group work with a teacher or teaching assistant. If pupils need some additional support to develop their social skills or to enhance their emotional well-being, this may be provided through additional small group sessions or individual pastoral support.
Teachers identify concerns through ongoing assessment and observation. Many pupils require some extra help at some point in their school life. This is readily provided and does not necessarily mean that the pupil has Special Educational Needs. However, if a pupil continues to have a high level of ongoing difficulty despite the additional provision outlined above, they may be considered to have Special Educational Needs (SEN).
Annual SEND Report: Co-op Academy Glebe
Key Stakeholders at Co-op Academy Glebe:
Mrs Kirsty Suleman Head of School |
Mrs Holly Green Assistant Headteacher: SENDCo (Special Educational Needs/Disabilities Co-ordinator) |
Other Key Stakeholders in SEND:
Mrs Kay Price: Chair of Governors/SEND Governor
Mrs Laura Bull: SENDCo Assistant
SEND Policy at Co-op Academy Glebe:
The SEND policy is reviewed annually in line with the SEND code of practice, and approved by the Governing Body. The most recent review was undertaken in September 2024 reflecting any significant legislative changes and implementing this into the school’s practice.
Number of pupils with SEND:
Pupils who have been identified as having an SEND will require intervention for one or more of the four categories, which include:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and/or Physical
22/23 |
23/24 |
24/25 |
School Support: Communication and Interaction |
14 |
28 |
24 (awaiting FS1 data) |
School Support: Cognition and Learning |
20 |
20 |
21 (awaiting FS1 data) |
School Support: Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
16 |
13 |
13 (awaiting FS1 data) |
School Support: Sensory and/or Physical |
4 |
1 |
0 (awaiting FS1 data) |
EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) |
6 (+1 been submitted awaiting approval) |
8 |
9 (2 awaiting, one in draft) |
Number of Pupils on SEND register |
53 |
62 |
58 (awaiting FS1 data) |
Number of Pupils on Role at Co-op Academy Glebe |
235 |
237 |
231 |
% of school |
25.1% |
26.1% |
25.1% (awaiting FS1 data) |
Please note that the above numbers take into account that the percentages above are based on the amount of individual pupils on the SEND register, compared to the above categories, where certain pupils may appear more than once.
Progress of pupils with SEND at Co-op Academy Glebe:
All children are continually assessed by staff and each half term the SENDCo monitors the progress of all children on the SEND register. The SENDCo then works closely with the class teacher to ensure that the children’s needs are identified and suitable provision is implemented. This will include quality first teaching and may also involve interventions where children are taken out of class either individually or in small groups. The school employs a number of additional members of staff to provide support for children within lessons as well and encourage independent work. Early intervention support is also accessed from a range of external specialists and Glebe Academy works closely with Educational Psychologists from the Local Authority and other outside agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists.
Provisions Co-op Academy Glebe Offers in School:
SOS spelling-this is an intervention where pupils work one-to-one with a member of staff and learn up to five different spellings each week, by rewriting the words and saying each of the letter names.
Precision teaching-this can be used to improve a child’s reading ability by reading specific words at a certain pace and aiming to improve their score over the week.
Toe-by-Toe-this can be used to improve children’s reading by recognising sounds of letters.
Daily reading- Staff work with individual children reading daily, completing different reading activities with a specific focus, depending on the needs of the children.
RWI Catch-up-this can be used to address gaps in children’s phonics and allow targeted intervention to narrow any gaps.
Plus 1- this is a daily programme where children complete number recognition and other number based activities, including the four operations of number.
Power of 2- the same as Plus 1 but a progression from this programme. Power of 2 aims to cover more complex number relationships.
Precision teaching- this can be used in a variety of different ways in Numeracy, for example, when children are learning number bonds to 10. They are provided with a grid with additions in and they aim to answer as many as they can in a given time. The number they answer should improve throughout the week.
Other Interventions we Offer:
Children who have been diagnosed with Autism (ASD) have visual timetables to help support them.
Children who are on the SEND register for Social, Emotional and Mental Health receive support through reward charts. Each child has been given a target based on their individual needs and the child receives ‘treat time’ that has been decided by themselves.
There have been 0 permanent exclusions in 2324, however there were 5 fixed term exclusions. There was 1 permanent exclusion in 2022/2023. There have been 0 permanent exclusions during 2019/20, there were 0 fixed-term exclusions during 2018/2019.
Pupil attendance is reviewed as part of SEND monitoring process and the absence of pupils with SEND is the accountability of a designated member of staff (Kirsty Suleman). Close links are maintained with the parents and the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) who supports Co-op Academy Glebe in dealing with any attendance issues including any persistent lateness.
Deployment of Staff and Resources:
Currently (2024/25), the school receives £42,259.50 in High Needs SEND funding and during 2023/24 the Academy received £28,000.00. This is/was used to contribute to the employment of 5 Learning Support Practitioners to support pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans. There may be an Early Years Transition Co-ordinator (EYFS/KS1) or a Closing the Gap Co-Ordinator (KS1/KS2) working with your child either individually or as part of a group. The content of this support will be explained to parents when support begins, as part of a child’s bespoke programme of learning and is reviewed and updated during termly learning conversations.
The school also invests in specialist Early Years Transition Co-ordinators to support children within EYFS and KS1 and Closing the Gap Co-ordinators to support pupils within KS2.
External Agencies:
Close and effective links are made with a wide variety of agencies to support parents/carers and the school in addressing children’s needs.
Agency involvement has included:
Educational Psychologist (EP)
Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)
NHS Partnership
Education Welfare Service (EWS)
Occupational Therapist
Downs Syndrome Service
Children and Adolescence Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
INSPIRE Outreach
Family Services (Social Services, IFIS and Service Co-ordinators).
MIND Charity (One-on-one counselling service for children and parents/carers)
SEND/ SENIASS (Parent partnerships and SEN advisors from the Local Authority).
NHS Diabetic Nurse
Visual Impairment Team (VIT)
Secondary School Involvement:
To ensure smooth transition for current Year 6 with SEND, additional arrangements are implemented for the summer term, when required. Children on the SEND register have the opportunity for extra visits to their secondary school. Annual reviews for children with EHC plans in Year 6 are usually attended by a representative from the secondary school.
Staff Development:
Epi-pen, Diabetes, Asthma updated training (yearly)-all staff attended.
Training from the Local Authority on Quality First Teaching for children with SEN.
Three Paediatric first aiders in school.
All staff first aid trained.
Outreach programmes from Specialist provision, delivering ASD support and training to specific staff.
Parents and Carers involvement in the provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.
Parents/Carers are invited to attend and contribute to all review meetings.
School Support Target Sheets, Pupil Passports and Reward Charts are discussed with parents/carers and copies are sent home regularly.
The SEND policy is available on the school website.
Parental Concerns
Talk to us – contact your child’s class teacher about your concerns initially. If you feel that you would like to speak to a senior member of staff, ask to arrange an appointment with the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Holly Green) via the school office.
Our Local Offer
To access our Local Offer, please follow the following link: http://localoffer.stoke.gov.uk/kb5/stoke/directory/service.page?id=WQUaRHVJvZk&localofferchannel=2-3
Communication and Interaction
Intervention |
What is it? |
Who is it for? |
Nuffield Speech and Language Programme |
The Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) is an evidence-based oral language intervention for children in nursery and reception who show weakness in their oral language skills and who are therefore at risk of experiencing difficulty with reading. It is delivered over 30 weeks by teaching assistants in groups of three to four children. |
Time to Talk |
Time to talk has been specifically created to teach and develop social interaction skills and improve oral language skills for children aged between 4-6 years old. Time to talk contains over 40 sessions which are designed for children who will be seen two to three times each week. |
FS1 |
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Stoke Services |
We follow speech and language plans from Speech and Language Therapists. |
Wellcomm-A Speech and Language Toolkit for Screening and Intervention in the Early Years |
The WellComm toolkits were developed by Speech and Language Therapists at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust with the aim of providing easy to use support for everyone involved with children. Requiring no specialist expertise, they quickly identify areas of concern in language, communication, and interaction development in order to ensure early targeted intervention. Once a profile has been drawn up for each child, The Big Book of Ideas provides focused teaching and intervention activities to meet individual needs. The optional Online Report Wizard automatically generates a personalised profile with a list of targeted interventions from The Big Book of Ideas, providing a structured approach to personalised teaching and learning. |
Talk Boost |
Talk Boost KS2 is a targeted intervention aimed at children 7-10 year old children with delayed language, aiming to boost their language skills helping them to catch up with their peers. The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication, after an eight-week intervention. |
KS2 |
Cognition and Learning
Intervention |
What is it? |
Who is it for? |
SNAP-SpLD Assessment Tool |
SNAP-SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties), SNAP-B (Behaviour) and SNAP Maths are online assessments designed to pinpoint specific learning and behavioural difficulties which, unidentified, may limit a pupil’s potential to learn. |
Paired Reading |
Paired reading is a strategy whereby a pupil and a helper read together in synchrony on material of the pupil’s own choice. |
Precision Teaching |
Precision teaching is a structured teaching method that's designed to improve the accuracy and fluency of reading, spelling and maths. |
SOS Spelling |
Simultaneous Oral Spelling, also known as S.O.S., is a multisensory spelling strategy that is really effective for poor spellers and dyslexics. The strategy builds phonological awareness skills, an area that is often a huge deficit in poor spellers and dyslexics. |
KS1/KS2 |
Individual Literacy Support |
Individual plan of literacy intervention in discussion with class teacher if the others are not suitable for that child’s need. Pre-teaching is also offered. |
RWI Phonics |
Twice a week 20 mins in small group Using our whole school phonics scheme Read Write Inc. to support those children who find sounding out words or spelling words hard. |
EYFS/KS1/Year 3 |
Pre-Teaching |
Pre-teaching enables children to have a “practice run at the skills required for the lesson”, which children can build knowledge upon further during the lesson. |
Plus 1 |
A maths support tool ideal for children who benefit from repeated maths practice. Dyslexic students benefit from the clear language and repetition, and those with dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations. Designed to be used 4-5 times a week for around 10-15 minutes. |
KS1 |
Power of 2 |
A maths support tool ideal for children who benefit from repeated maths practice. Dyslexic students benefit from the clear language and repetition, and those with dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations. Designed to be used 4-5 times a week for around 10-15 minutes. |
KS2 |
Moderate Learning Difficulty Team (MLD SENDs) at Stoke City |
We follow MLD reports and advise from specialist MLD teachers at the Local Authority. |
Daily Reading |
Daily reading stimulates and strengthens a child's language and literacy skills. |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Intervention |
What is it? |
Who is it for? |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health groups |
Small group focussed on individual needs of children who need some extra nurture or support with anxiety, low self-esteem and relationships. |
Playground Support |
This can come in the form of support on the normal playground or small group support away from normal playground |
Choice Club |
A club aimed for specific children at lunchtime who can access specific time to work on their SEMH targets. |
Reward Systems |
Reward systems in place such as charts and reward time to support children with social, emotional and mental health needs to achieve their targets |
Just Right |
Just Right is a programme designed to help autistic children recognise and regulate their emotions and sensory state. The programme was created by specialist teachers and health professionals in Brighton & Hove. The system teaches children to identify which colour 'zone' they are in: |
Lego Therapy |
A communication programme designed to enable children to develop their functional language. Effective with children who have Autism. |
SNAP-Behaviour Assessment Tool |
SNAP-SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties), SNAP-B (Behaviour) and SNAP Maths are online assessments designed to pinpoint specific learning and behavioural difficulties which, unidentified, may limit a pupil’s potential to learn. |
Physical and/or Sensory
Intervention |
What is it? |
Who is it for? |
Teodorescu Handwriting |
The programme is effective for mainstream children aged 4-6 years, children with developmental co-ordination disorders and older children with mild to moderate learning difficulties. |
FS2/Year 1 |
Occupational or Physiotherapy support |
We follow Occupational therapy plans and Physio plans from an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist |
Motor Skills United |
An Occupational Therapy Programme, colour-coded and fun filled to integrate and develop Motor and Perceptual Skills which impacts on learning and handwriting. |
Who is our SEND Coordinator?
Mrs Holly Green
01782 234868
Mrs Green is responsible for overseeing the management of educational provision and progress of those children in the school identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability. It is our aim to be as fully inclusive as possible for children with a variety of learning and developmental needs as well as physical disabilities.
If you wish to book an appointment with Mrs Green, please contact the school office.
Our Local Offer
What kind of SEND does the school provide for?
The school accommodates all SEND in line with the Equality Act 2010 and provision is available for all the four areas of need outlined in the 2014 Send Code of Practice. As a school, we work with the speech and language resource centres and this helps us to provide a tailored curriculum for children with speech and language needs. We have tailored interventions that run for children with Cognition and Learning needs and these are matched to the child’s individual needs. We offer similar personalised programmes for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and children work individually and within small groups.
How will the school support my child/young person?
Children are assessed when they start school through the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We use this information to provide starting points for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey which shows appropriate support and challenge for every child. Parents/carers are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs
Co-ordinator (SENCo).
- The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Holly Green.
- There is rigorous tracking of pupil progress in all year groups which is analysed at half-termly pupil progress meetings.
- Targets are set for all pupils in Reading, Writing and Maths.
- Pupils not making expected progress are given support individually or in a small group.
There are termly meetings where parents can discuss their child’s progress and any concerns, but we also encourage parents to discuss their child’s progress at any time with class teachers, SENCo, the Principal or other appropriate professionals.
How will teaching approaches and the curriculum be matched to my child’s/young person’s needs?
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and is differentiated so all can succeed. We believe in a creative approach to teaching and
- All learning is carefully planned to take account of individual needs.
- All children are entitled to have access to high-quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources according to their individual needs.
- Those who need extra help will be placed at School Support and given support from within our school expertise or from specialist services.
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s/young person’s learning?
We encourage an active partnership between school and home. We aim to provide an inclusive, creative, child-led curriculum that
will equip children to be successful in life. We have high expectations of all pupils and of staff and this ensures that every pupil reaches what they are capable of.
- On our website we regularly share information about the curriculum and we provide regular newsletters for each class, setting out the learning for each half term.
- We hold regular meetings with parents to discuss their child’s progress.
- Home reading books enable parents to support their child’s learning.
- Home learning enables parents to support their child’s learning weekly.
- Children’s targets are discussed regularly with parents.
- Any child with a statement/EHCP will have an annual review where a member of staff from the LA will attend and progress is monitored.
What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall wellbeing?
We encourage children to talk about their overall wellbeing through play times, lunchtimes, assemblies and informal conversations. We want every child to feel safe and have good relationships with their staff. All children are encouraged to get on well and enjoy the positive ethos in the school.
- Individual health care and dietary plans are in place where needed and are shared and reviewed regularly.
- Support staff are all first aid trained.
- Risk assessments are updated regularly.
- The Headteacher/Family Support Worker works closely with the Educational Welfare Officer to monitor attendance.
- Our academy council gives children the opportunity to contribute their views and concerns.
- Children take part in pupil interviews and complete questionnaires and their views and opinions are considered.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting/school/ college?
- Our staff receive regular training and our teachers all hold qualified teacher status. We consult with parents before involving any specialist outside support.
- Intervention groups are run by staff who have had the necessary training.
- The school has links with key professionals such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, educational psychologist, behaviour and language support and SEND services.
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
We have a highly trained staff and are always looking to update and widen our skills.
- Our SENCo has completed the SENCo qualification.
- Staff have been trained in Precision Teaching, speech and language programme and social skills groups.
- Support staff have received training for carrying out standardised assessments.
How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Where possible we consult parents when planning any activities outside the classroom; particularly when this may affect the
participation of their child. Our special needs and inclusion policies are on the website. All children are included in all aspects of school life wherever possible by careful risk assessment, making reasonable adjustments or putting extra support in place as appropriate.
How accessible is the school environment?
Our Accessibility Plan is robust and we continually remind staff and learners about the Equality Act 2010. We value and respect
diversity in our setting and do our very best to meet the needs of all out learners.
- Part of our school is a new build, all on one level and is accessible to all.
- Our school has a wide entrance door with press button doors.
- Risk assessments are carried out if a child has specific needs.
- We work hard to build dialogue with parents through face to face meetings.
- We have two disabled toilets located throughout the school.
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?
We believe that the needs of our pupils are best served by smooth and co-ordinated transfer and transition systems. To that end we co-operate with all schools to ensure relationships and dialogue are developed and sustained at all levels.
- Before starting school, children and parents visit the Nursery setting on a series of induction afternoons.
- Foundation Stage staff complete home visits in the July before the children are due to start with them in September. Children also stay for stay and play sessions in the nursery during transition arrangements.
- We prepare children well for transition to High School by encouraging high standards and independence.
- Children are given the opportunity to visit their chosen High School.
- Enhanced transition in the form of extra meetings and visits are arranged for children who have additional needs.
- We work closely with our main High School, St Peters Academy and have many joint policies and procedures to aid continuity.
How are the schools resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
Budgets are closely monitored and aligned to the school improvement plan. Regular reviews take place to ensure funds and staffing are best allocated to meet the needs of all children.
- We use our Special needs and our pupil premium funding to target vulnerable children.
- Provision is reviewed regularly to ensure there has been an impact on pupil progress and that funding is spent to benefit the children.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?
We ensure all pupils can access the curriculum by carefully planning learning according to individual children’s needs.
Tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data highlights children who are not making expected progress. Interventions are then put in place to support their learning.
If interventions are not having the expected impact then the SENCo may refer to external professionals in discussion with parents.
How will our child be involved in the decisions about their learning?
We ensure that children have the opportunity to talk about their targets and share their experiences with the staff who work with them. Children have the opportunity to complete a questionnaire about their learning at the end of each term to express what they
have enjoyed and to discuss any further help that they may need.
How will we be involved in the decisions about the learning of our children and young people?
Parents views are collected each term by the SENCo when pupil passport meetings are done. A copy of the targets are shared with
the parents and progress towards these targets is shared by the class teacher.
How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?
We believe in building strong partnerships with parents.
- The school involves parents in their child’s learning through meetings, workshops, newsletters, assemblies and information on the website.
- We encourage parents to support their child’s learning through reading books and other home learning activities.
- Parents attend meetings with their child’s class teacher and also the SENCo if they have additional needs.
- Class teachers are usually available at the beginning and end of the day to address any concerns. Parents can leave a message for any member of staff to contact them through the main school office.
- Children can be given a home/school diary where comments can be recorded by either party.
What do I do if I want to make a complaint?
If you would like to make a complaint in the first instance you should contact your class teacher. You can also contact the SENCo
if you wish to make a complaint. If the school is unable to meet parent’s needs following discussions, a parent may feel the need
to complain. If a parent would like to make a complaint, they should request the School’s complaints policy from the school office.
What other support is available to parents and how can I contact them?
For further information please contact the school office in the first instance on 01782 234868.
The Principal is Mrs Kirsty Suleman.
The strategic lead for SEND at the school is Mrs Holly Green.
All class teachers will be happy to meet with parents to discuss any concerns.
The Local Authority’s Local Offer for SEND services is available here.
The SENDIASS team can be contacted on 01782 234701 / 01782 234847 or iass@stoke.gov.uk.
The local safeguarding team can be contacted on 01782 235100 or SRT@stoke.gcsx.gov.uk.