| Co-op Academy Glebe
Home School Agreement |
A Home School Agreement is a statement explaining your child's school's aims, values, policies and procedures, its responsibilities towards its pupils, the responsibilities of the pupil's parents, and what's expected of pupils.
At Co-op Academy Glebe, we recognise each child as an individual, and aim to give all children every opportunity to realise their full potential. We believe that a close partnership between the school, parents and the child is essential if we are to achieve this aim.
It is therefore an expectation that all parents who wish their children to attend Co-op Academy Glebe will agree to our Home School Agreement.
We also ask parents to ensure they share the Home School Agreement with their child and we will also discuss this in school.
The Responsibilities of the School |
Co-op Academy Glebe will:
Education - To provide high quality teaching and support by means of a broad, rich and innovative curriculum, taking account of your child’s individual needs.
- To instil high aspirations and to encourage your child to become a more independent, resilient, life long learner who embraces challenges and continues to grow.
- Provide a safe and happy environment where all children are valued, respected and listened to.
- To achieve high standards of behaviour by providing opportunities for children to develop positive social relationships, self-esteem and a sense of responsibility.
- To celebrate your child's personal and academic achievements.
- To actively promote and support your child's understanding of their role in the wider school community and how they can have an impact on the world around them.
- To help pupils to recognise and speak out against online abuse or bullying and misuse of social media.
- To encourage, reward and support excellent levels of attendance at school.
- Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to others, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, marriage or civil partnership.
- Promote high standards and high expectations of effort and attainment to ensure your child achieves their potential.
Homework - Provide regular homework opportunities which are realistic, achievable and related to work in school.
- To maximise the opportunity for home reading by the regular exchange of books (when necessary).
Communication - To provide two parent evenings to discuss progress and agree action points for each child.
- To communicate a written report which will discuss the progress of your child, celebrating their strengths and explaining how together we can support them in their areas for development.
- To send regular newsletters and maintain effective communication between all members of the school community.
- Through Class Dojo, Arbor and our website we will regularly provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, meetings, activities, curriculum, newsletters and events.
- Keep you informed about your child’s progress and behaviour, as well as their termly curriculum.
- Deal with parental concerns promptly and inform them of how they have been resolved.
Discipline - To encourage your child to show friendship and respect for others and to abide by the school behaviour policy, ensuring a safe, caring environment for all.
- To promote and achieve high standards of behaviour based on the school’s behaviour policy.
- To deal with problems sympathetically and fairly, having listened to your child’s point of view.
Safeguarding - To continue to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, as set out in our school Safeguarding policy, (which is available on our website)
- Allow children safe and secure use of the Internet through a combination of site filtering, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils, in partnership with parents.
The Responsibilities of the Parents/Carers |
All parents/carers will: - Having chosen Glebe for your child, accept the school’s aims, policies and procedures, positively supporting the school.
- Send my child to school wearing the correct school uniform and help her/ him to take pride in their appearance.
- Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time and inform school promptly on the first day of absence.
- To support the school values and Co-op Ways of being.
- Attend parent/teacher meetings to discuss your child’s progress in order to work collaboratively to celebrate their achievements and support my child further.
- Provide a suitable place for my child to complete homework and give regular help and encouragement, as appropriate. Ensure their homework is returned on time
- Read regularly with my child (appropriate to their age) and support them in learning their tables.
- Keep the school informed of any changes in circumstances (i.e. address, phone number, emergency contacts etc.)
- Promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect your child’s learning, behaviour or happiness at school.
- Support school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home.
- Respect all members of our school community, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, marriage or civil partnership.
- Abide by the policy of zero tolerance towards rude and aggressive behaviour.
- Regularly read information on the website and school communication via Arbor so that I am kept-up-to-date with important details of relevant policies, meetings, events and information about my child.
- To collect my child punctually, and advise the school if I am going to be late or if there is a change to the pick up arrangements at the end of the day.
- To ensure permission is granted for my child to walk home if in Y5 or Y6 and this is confirmed with the school.
- To support and encourage my child to make good progress, and ensure that the school is aware of any concerns, which may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
- To support the school’s behaviour policy and actively promote this with my child.
- To support the school's safeguarding policy in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
- To follow the school’s online policy and procedures relating to the use of mobile devices, media and E-safety.
- To park considerately outside of school in order to ensure the safety of our whole school community.
- Talk to the class teacher about concerns regarding my child and work with staff in resolving any issues.
- Encourage respect for all members of the school community and communicate effectively with the school through the appropriate channels.
- To inform the school of any absences and provide the reasons.
- To encourage a positive attitude towards my child’s education and our school.
- To come and discuss any concerns with the school if I have them.
- To ensure that I read all information sent home as this gives me important details of relevant policies, meetings, activities, newsletters and key dates and where appropriate respond within the appropriate time frame.
- To promptly pay the school for any payments required to support my child
The Responsibility of the Child |
I agree to: - To have high expectations of myself with my learning, friendships and behaviour.
- To be responsible for my school and home learning, completing all tasks as well as I can, asking questions when I do not understand.
- To always try my best and demonstrate a growth mindset towards new challenges.
- Be respectful towards others and behave in a safe and responsible way.
- To accept responsibility for the things that I do and to reflect on my behaviour and learning and learn from all experiences.
- To come to school on time every day, prepared for the day and wearing the correct school uniform.
- Use the internet safely and follow the expectations of E-safety when using electronic devices.
- To talk to a grown-up if I have a problem.
- To demonstrate our schools values and Co-op Ways of being.
- To take good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.
- Follow class responsibilities and be ready for learning.
- To show kindness and respect to the school community.
- To celebrate my achievements and the achievements of others.
- To take responsibility for others belongings and show respect for the school environment.
- To act in a safe way and follow the school’s rules and expectations.