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We're part of Co-op Academies Trust.

Financial information for the Trust can be found here.

Financial Benchmarking Information

Our academy’s ‘Financial Benchmarking’ information can be found here

Pupil Premium Policy

“The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers” ( website)

Policy Mission Statement:

All pupils will have every opportunity to achieve their full potential regardless of their personal circumstances.

Aims of the Policy:

To evidence that the allocation of Pupil Premium funding is utilised effectively to raise achievement and narrow the gap between pupils from low income families and their peers ensuring that all disadvantaged children have the chance increased social mobility and the opportunity to attend the top universities.

(Wider aims of Pupil Premium. The Sutton Trust Toolkit of Strategies to Improve Learning pg2)

Maximise all Opportunities for Pupil Premium Income:

  • Engage parents to raise the number of pupils claiming FSM. Write annually to all parents to remind them of the benefits the additional income could have for the school.
  • Target new parents. Introduce all new nursery parents to the benefits of applying for FSM.
  • Ensure parents understand the additional benefits their child will get alongside a free school meal by applying

Funds to be linked to an effective strategy to raise attainment:

  • Effective feedback on learning for teachers and pupils to set challenging goals that focus on what is going right to encourage pupil self esteem
  • Teach children self -motivating strategies to plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning
  • Invest in high quality early intervention in early years with a strong educational focus on early reading and number concepts
  • Effective 1:1 intensive remedial sessions
  • Look at digital technologies to enhance traditional teaching approaches
  • Imbed an effective phonics program
  • Engage parents with their child’s learning

Identifying pupils and measuring impact:

  • Using the schools Data Tracking Systems to clearly identify all eligible pupils
  • Discuss identified pupils at half termly pupil progress meetings
  • Identify those pupils that are falling behind national expectations and also those that are not making the same the level of progress as their peers in school
  • Staff to state the type of intervention measures used and continuously evaluate the effectiveness
  • Identified pupils who are not falling behind to benefit from curriculum enrichment activities not necessarily linked to numeracy or literacy that will raise aspirations
  • Ensure that ALL staff are clear about the use of pupil premium and the expected outcomes for pupils

Quantifying the Allocation of Funding

  • Pupil Premium to be clearly identified in the school budget plan
  • Financial data to be clearly linked to attainment data to assess the return on investments made
  • Pupil Premium to form a separate agenda item in the budget planning process
  • Governors to be involved in the proposed plans for spending
  • Pupil Premium figures to be published for parents annually and outcomes documented
  • Annually self-assess the success of different strategies, working collaboratively alongside other schools to share best practice and improved outcomes for all pupils. 

Sports Premium Funding

We’re committed to our development of Physical Education (P.E.), sport, and physical activity provision.

2425 Primary PE and Sports Funding Planned Expenditure for

REVIEWED 2324 Primary PE and Sports Funding Planned Expenditure

2324 Primary PE and Sports Funding Planned Expenditure

Swimming Attainment 2023/24- End of KS2

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres


Use a range of strokes effectively (appropriate stroke in smaller distances-not 25m distance without stopping):


Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. (Able to self-rescue; open eyes under water; float to survive skills; appropriate to situation- small pool with some opportunities for deeper than person water):
